当小鼠受到压力刺激时,它们常常会躲到盒子的边缘。但是,当给予它们减少焦虑的药物,例如,beta抑制剂或是alpha 1阻断剂,(这些是用于人类高血压和焦虑的药物),这些小鼠就会冒险到盒子的中央,尽管它们处于压力状态。研究人员还发现,用光线激活迷宫里小鼠的蓝斑区的神经元,它们就会表现出焦虑状态,虽然,它们并没有被暴露在压力情况下。而且,杏仁核释放的内源性促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)也可以增加蓝斑区的活性,诱导焦虑样的行为。
这些研究发现证明了,蓝斑-去甲肾上腺素系统是急性压力引起焦虑的重要介导因素。而且,这是一个潜在的作用靶点,用于治疗压力引起的各种疾病。 (生物谷Bioon.com)
CRH Engagement
of the Locus Coeruleus Noradrenergic System Mediates Stress-Induced Anxiety
R. Bruchas, et al.
locus coeruleus noradrenergic (LC-NE) system is one of the first systems
engaged following a stressful event. While numerous groups have demonstrated
that LC-NE neurons are activated by many different stressors, the underlying
neural circuitry and the role of this activity in generating stress-induced
anxiety has not been elucidated. Using a combination of in vivo chemogenetics,
optogenetics, and retrograde tracing, we determine that increased tonic
activity of the LC-NE system is necessary and sufficient for stress-induced
anxiety and aversion. Selective inhibition of LC-NE neurons during stress
prevents subsequent anxiety-like behavior. Exogenously increasing tonic, but
not phasic, activity of LC-NE neurons is alone sufficient for anxiety-like and
aversive behavior. Furthermore, endogenous corticotropin-releasing hormone+
(CRH+) LC inputs from the amygdala increase tonic LC activity, inducing
anxiety-like behaviors. These studies position the LC-NE system as a critical
mediator of acute stress-induced anxiety and offer a potential intervention for
preventing stress-related affective disorders.